? Fins online registration FAQ

Fins Online Team Management System FAQ
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What is the online team management system?
The online team management system allows club members to manage their personal information directly as well as pay for dues and other services online. The system is developed and hosted by Club Assistant, the same company that manages the USMS online registration system.
I'm already a member, why do I need to register online with the Fins?
Fins is moving to the online system for team registration and dues payments, replacing the current computer based system. Since demographic data in the current system is not frequently updated, it was decided that existing Fins members should self register in the new system to insure that their membership information is current.  If you are currently a member, your dues payment status will be transferred from the old system once you have completed online registration.
What happens when I register?
When you register online you will first be required to verify your USMS membership.  You will then be asked to provide demographic and emergency contact information.  Finally, you will need to select a dues option and a payment method.  Once submitted, the treasurer will review your information and update your new online account with your current dues status.  If you owe dues for the current period and you elected to pay by credit card, your credit card will be charged for that amount.  You will receive an email when your credit card is charged.  See the FAQ below regarding automated charges.   If you elected to pay by check, you will receive an invoice indicating the amount due.
What are automated charges?
If you selected a monthly or quarterly dues options and provided a credit card for payment, your card will automatically be charged at the beginning of your next billing cycle.  For example, if you are a new member and register online on 4/1/2010, provide your credit card, and select the quarterly dues option, your card will initially be charged for the current quarter (4/1 to 6/30).  On 7/1/2010, your credit card will automatically be charged for the next quarter (7/1/10 to 9/30/10).  If you do not want your credit card to be automatically charged, you should indicate this when you initially register (in the notes section).  You can stop automated charges at any time, however you must do so at least 5 business days before the start of your next billing period.  For more information see the question "What is the benefit of paying by credit card?"
What is the benefit of paying by Credit Card?
You can set up your fins online registration account to pay your dues by credit card.  If your membership period is monthly or quarterly, your credit card will be automatically charged at the beginning of each new period. If you will not be swimming the next quarter and do not want your card to be charged, simply remove it from your account or contact the treasurer at least 5 business days before the first day of the following month or quarter.   Remember that if you pay quarterly, you are benefiting from a better rate and are paying for the full period whether you swim or not.  The Fins quarters are Jan-Mar, April-June, July-Sept, and Oct-Dec.


Is it safe?
The online system replaces a database system (Microsoft Access) currently located on the treasurer's PC.   Moving to an online system makes the data safer and more secure.  Data stored on a single PC is more vulnerable to loss and/or theft.  Online access to member data is limited to board members and coaches.  Access to credit card information is limited to the treasurer. Club Assistant has policies and procedures in place for backing up and securing data on their systems.  See the Club Assistant FAQ for more information.
Can I still pay by check or cash?
Yes, when you register online, simply choose the check payment option.  You will then need to mail you check or bring you check or cash to your next practice. 
How do I update my payment method or other information ?
If you have already registered with the system you were emailed a username and password. Simply log into the system to make any changes.